Who doesn’t want to preserve and extend the life of their car? There are several helpful tips to do so that are sometimes forgotten about or unheard of completely. Here is the compilation of what we thought most important for you, as a car owner, to know:
1. Be Patient: Sometimes we forget the damage we can cause to our car in the long-run by revving the engine in the present. The truth is that it can exponentially affect the life of our car when we put too much strain on the inner workings of our beloved vehicle. When possible, and especially during the very first 1,000 miles called the “break-in period,” take it slow.
2. Buy gas at reputable stations only: It is a very unknown by most drivers that filtered gas is better for your vehicle life. Without a gas filter at certain pumps, dirty gas is actually what you will be putting in your car, which shouldn’t surprise you that it is not good for your engine. Find a station you trust!
3. Keep an auto log: Keeping up with your mileage may seem like more hassle than its worth, but it can literally save the life of your car. In many cases, your car will show signs of less mileage per same amount of gasoline, which is often the first sign of something being wrong. Catching a problem early can lead to keeping something very important from breaking. It is always worth the hassle.
Now we hope that you will apply these three important tips to your vehicle care in the near future, and that they have been helpful indeed.